Posts Tagged Home Improvement
The Good and The Bad
Posted by nedster in Home Improvement, Work on 2006/02/15
The bad first….
No hot water yesterday, at first I thought we were just out of oil cuz the tank sounded pretty empty when I was banging on it, but no, that was not it.
What it turned out being was the circulator pump was all clogged up so the water wouldn’t get hot, and also, the water heater has RUSTED OUT! So yeah, water was on the floor, not a good situation.
Also, today I went to court as a “witness” against one of the guys who broke into my house, but unfortunately the asshole who was on trial today is getting off because of a lack of evidence, no one was able to identify him, even though he was caught running from the area, covered in leaves and dirt, while sweaty and out of breath. Sometimes the court systems piss me off.
but onto the Good news…..
I have my first paycheck sitting at my desk at work! So I can pick it up when I go into the office tomorrow, and then deposit it into my ever shrinking bank account!
I had my first day of real work yesterday, it went well. I was out in Springfield at a customer site, I learned a lot about the installation process. Although I was very jealous of the computer we were working on, please pardon the geek speak that is forthcoming, Quad Dual Core 3.0 Ghz Intel Xeon Processors, 36 Gigs of RAM, with a hard drive capacity of 1.5 Terabytes of Storage space, a Terabyte is the equivalent of 1000 gigabytes, which is the equivalent of 1024 MB. That is a crazy sick amount of everything! To put it in perspective, the normal computers people have in their homes are a a single processor that is between a 1.0 and 2.7 GHz in speed, this server had the equivalent of 16, SIXTEEN, of these in it with the quad dual core xeons. The RAM in a normal personal computer is nowadays 512 MB or 1 GB of RAM, this had 36!! and the space on the hard drives?!? That is enough to store the equivalent of 384,000 average size mp3s! And it was all rack mounted with a super cool fold away LCD screen.
Ok, all done with the geek speak.
The super duper good news now….. my water heater was under warranty!!!! YAY!!! So I do not have to buy a new one, they replace it for free, except I have to pay for the labor to have it installed, hey I can deal with that, it will end up only costing me like 300-400 for the labor instead of the 650-800 for labor and the new tank! I am definitely gonna drop the $100 for a lifetime warranty on the new water heater, how can I go wrong with that?!?
Also have an appointment to get my taxes all taken care of on Friday…. which will be great, definitely gettin back a nice chunk of change with that one!!!
Ummm… I am sure there are some other things as well… but my brain has kind of shut off for the day…..
Posted by nedster in Food, Home Improvement on 2006/02/04
Stove is installed and all done!, It works and looks fabulous!
Dinner is cooking, I just need to figure out what to do with some of the empty space between the stove and one cabinet, but whatever, that can come later! I just am glad to have an oven again!!!
I have a pork tenderloin and some potatos roasting in the oven right now…….
and no, I cannot explain my mood right now, not even sure why I am!
Ok, So I Really Did Start on Thursday!
Posted by nedster in Annoucements, Home Improvement, Work on 2006/02/04
I was in the office on Thursday, for real, this is not a dream!
I went in, picked out a cube, spent some time with my boss trying to figure out what phone extension I was going to get, got handed a whole bunch of training manuals for our software product to read, spent an hour and a half on an HR Welcome to the company do you have any questions conference call, and then went to the post office.
All in all, a pretty successful day in my mind.
Friday, I worked from home reading the previously mentioned manuals.
It is now Saturday morning and I am just sitting and waiting for my stove to be delivered, sometime between 11:30 and 3:30, but with my luck I figure it will be at 3:30!I can’t wait to get this thing in here and get it all set up, very little excites me like this, I will finally be able to REALLY cook in my house after almost a 4 month hiatus!
The Pimp New Stove
Posted by nedster in Home Improvement on 2006/01/30
I finally did it, went and bought a new stove for the kitchen.
I figure, it was mid October when the old oven died, it is about time to get a new stove for the kitchen, right?
This thing is sweet, glass sealed cook top, dual ovens, convection in the large oven, timed bake, and so many other cool functions!
PLUS Dan hooked me up so I was able to save some serious cash on it.
Mrs Frugal, aka the mother like parental unit, was shocked I would spend so much on a stove, especially since what I saved is enough to purchase a whole stove, just one not as nice as this one!!!
Can you have a household appliance as a life partner? can I get a tax deduction for it as a dependent?