Archive for category Personal



Shocking isn’t it? Although according to online, they will be delivered to me at my hotel by Flying Moose Delivery between 4pm and 4am.

What the fuck? it is 8:45 already!







So yeah…. my bag got into the San Francisco Airport last night, so says the online checking thingie, so I waited patiently for it, gave up and went to bed about 10pm.

I woke up this morning, called the front desk and SHOCKING no bag.

ok, this is annoying, so I called Delta.

The individual on the other end in broken English of unknown ethnicity tells me that my bag left on a flight this morning at 6am for Salt Lake City where it will get a connecting flight to Montreal Canada to be delivered to my final destination.


Sorry, he couldn’t read correctly, it is going to be getting a connecting flight from SLC to Monterrey, California since that is the closest airport to where I am staying.

SO, instead of getting my bag delivered to me last night at arond 10pm, I can expect my bag within 12 hours from when it arrives at the Carmel/Monterrey airport at NOON today.

Honestly, if I had known they were going to do this I would have had them hold the bag in San Fran and driven the hour+ back up there to get the bag last night.

I can understand no real cost to ship from one airport to another, but really… come on now, THAT DOES NOT ALWAYS MAKE SENSE!!!

ok… now to go find somewhere that is open at 7:30 in the morning to buy a pair of underwear and a shirt….

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Not Happy with VW at the Moment

ok, so as some of if not all of you know my car is in the shop, it came down ill while in NH and started making a loud clanking noise.

I have 1500 or so miles left on my warranty, and VW does not want to fix the car under warranty because they say that it is my fault, the suspect that the damage is due to the engine running too hot, and improper oil being used, and not being changed often enough.

Now, I am a smart person, I am pretty handy, and on top of it all, I tend to be a tad frugal with my money – why should I pay someone else to do what I can do myself, right?

So, I do my own oil changes, and simple things like fuel filter, air filters, etc etc – no problem right?

I was instructed by the dealer I got my car from that I had to use a specific oil for my oil changes – Castrol Syntec(synthetic) 5W-40. Ok, no problem!

So I got the right oil and have been doing my oil changes. I even showed the quart to the mechanic and he looked at it and said, “Well, that is not the exact same stuff that we use, but it is the full synthetic, and the right type, so you should be ok”

OK, no problem right? WRONG

They want to deny my warranty because it was the wrong oil.

BUT it gets better!!!

On top of that…. they also want proof of the oil changes. They want the reciepts for oil changes at a dealer, or the jiffy lube, or the receipts for the oil and filter at someplace like AutoZone.

What? Who keeps a receipt for $30 spent at AutoZone to buy oil? I pay cash and the recipet never makes it to my car.

I was diligent about this car, I changed my oil every 3000-4000 miles, pretty damn good for me considering I usually would do it every 7000-8000 in my other cars before.

So I said that to the guy, and he tells me that in my owners manual it tells me that I need to keep documented receipts for anything like this in order for my warranty to be valid.


My car had no owners manual! I was not given one by the dealer when I bought the car!

I specifically asked if there was anything special in it, and the only thing they told me was the oil, make sure you buy the right oil and use the right oil.

yeah, VW owes me, even if my lack of using the right oil, or not having receipts for things, Why? cuz their agents – aka sales person and service person – verbally told me what I needed to know, and they left out those things.

Yeah, I will throw them under the bus if I have to, I do not care how loyal I have been to Paul Clark Ford and Volkswagon, they deserve no loyalty at this point, for these things right here, as well as what they did to Tom after his years of service.

if worse comes to worse I will sell this car I love and never go back to VW again, if they want a loyal customer, then they need to be honorable about their part of the deal.

this will be updated……

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I am a Socialite?

What type of partier are you?

Your Result: The Socialite

You like only the best liquors, the latest trendy martini’s, or the finest single-malt scotch.  You are not one for the ‘dive bar’, you prefer classy lounges filled with model-quality people.  When intoxicated, you flirt, but are coy and unattainable, you make your suitors WORK for it.

I would like to add that I also do like dive bars, I don’t like scotch, but the rest is basically true…..

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Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Does Whatever A Spider Can

You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.


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Here Is How It All Went Down

I apologize if any exact details are left out but you get the idea….

Friday night, my sister and BF went out for dinner to a Thai place they go to all the time.

They are having their dinner and have been making jokes and comments about the “crazy guy” in the kitchen through the course of the night.

So they are talking about their up coming trip to Jamaica and her BF throws out a question to her.

“What if while we were down there we just ran over to Grand Cayman and got married?”

My sister responds “We can’t do that, you know my family, they would kill me if I ever did something like that”

“Ok, but you did not answer the other part of the question about us getting married”

“Well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it”

“What bridge?”

“You know, that bridge, the one really high up over a deep dark precipice that is shaky and make of planks and rope and sways a lot in the wind. That bridge”

“Oh, ok….. What the hell is he doing in there?” *Looks towards kitchen*

She turns around to look at the kitchen and says “What are you talking about?”

She turns back around to face him and sitting on her plate of noodles is a small little wrapped up box….

and well, that is all of the story that I got…

I think it was a pretty smooth way for things to go down!

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So as a Follow up to People Hinting

So I pose this question to the world as more of a rhetorical question, but I suppose that if you happen to have any real insight into an answer I suppose that would be appreciated.

Why the hell can’t people just tell you something instead of trying to be subtle about things?

More specifically, women doing this more than guys, and even more specifically in the world of dating in general.

If you are not interested in going out, then just tell me that! Don’t pretend to try to make plans with me and have them fall through, and don’t tell me “yeah, I am definitely still interested” if you really are not. Just because you canceled some plans we had one weekend, that doesn’t mean I am going to take that as a hint that you are not interested in getting together because I especially won’t take it as a hint if I ask you about rescheduling and you say you need to check your work schedule but you do want to reschedule.

Sorry, but your statement of interest trumps any hint you might be trying to give me.

Also, in this dating world, I am not a fool, I know that you are in contact with more than one person, but if you meet someone, and you want to explore that with them, then it would be really really really nice to update those other people who you have been talking to about your change of situation.

You women need to realize that men have a fine line to walk with regards to dating and trying to find someone to date. We struggle with trying to find a nice even middle of the road for communication where we will be in communication with you enough to make sure you know we are interested in you, but we also need to make sure that we do not over communicate and freak you out and make it look like we are obsessed with you, even though we have never met.

Honestly, many of you make that really tough with “subtle” hints instead of just speaking your mind.

We are grown men, and no matter what Colonel Jessup may have said, we can handle the truth.



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Ok, So the Series of Events…

My sister is getting a whole bunch of kitchen cabinets from my aunt because she is doing a remodel of a house down in Mattapoisett that my cousins bought together.

So I went to my mom’s house to meet up with my sister and my mom to get a truck and go get them and bring them back, in the mean time my sister and her boyfriend met me there so that I could give them back the noise canceling headphones I borrowed to see if I wanted to spend the $50 on a pair of Sony, or spend the $300 on a pair of Bose or Brookstone.

So I get there and everyone is in the kitchen, I take the headphones out of my bag and my sister puts out her hand palm down to get them from me. Since the Brookstone ones were in a case with a caribiner on them and the sony were in a bag, I had attached them together. So in being the person I am, I hung them by the string across her middle finger.

She turns to her BF and says something, “See what I mean?”

My other sister then reaches over, and moves them from the middle finger to the finger next to it, and says “So how did you like those headphones?”

I start off into an explanation about which ones I liked and did not like and I am interrupted slightly by my sister’s BF who says “It is a family trait isn’t it?”

I stop and look at them and say “What do you mean by that? Because I connected and attached together the 2 things I was going to give you?”

At this point they all shake their heads and my other sister then grabs me and my head and pulls me forward and puts my face about 2 inches from my sisters hand and says “How bout them headphones”

To which I then pause, realize that the headphones were not really what they were talking about.

My response now……


Sitting on my sisters left ring finger(the one my other sister moved the headphones to) is a quite large multi-diamond ring glistening in the poor lighting of my mother’s kitchen.

She got engaged the night before, and was attempting to be subtle to make me notice the ring, yeah, it did not work. This seems to be a trend with women lately, and I will cover that in another blog.

So now I get the back story, and realize exactly why my sister’s BF, now fiance, made the comment about it being a family trait. Both my mother and my sister did not realize that she had the ring on either when she walked in and was pointing around and asking ridiculous questions about where to put George’s(her dog) food for when he goes to my mom’s house to be dog sat while they were in Jamaica in a couple weeks.

Yeah, for some reason my family is all oblivious to subtlety like that, we get fixated on a task and block out things that don’t really matter or pertain to the task at hand, this is both a good thing and a bad thing at times I suppose, but at least we get the job done!

I heard the story about how he did it and I will share that in another blog later, it was kind of a nice and cute story.

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I Am A Failure

Yes, it has been 8 months and I thought things were going well, I had all my ducks in a row and things had not failed yet.

I have always been able to do it when I wanted to, it goes all the way back to high school, if I wanted to do it I could, never a question about it, I just did it.

It is who I am, people know it and are amazed at times, and sometimes they think I am a freak because of it, I may be a freak but it is for many different reasons than that.

So it all came to an end last night, I was careless and did not think, my mind was on the headphones I was borrowing to test out to see if I wanted a pair, and then there was the security delays.

I should have skipped that bottled water, but the trail mix was a bit salty so I had to get it, and then finish it off before take off, and then somewhere over the Great Plains it happened…..

I had to get up out of my seat on the airplane and use a airplane lavatory, I can’t believe it, it was unheard of!!

I am such a failure….

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I Feel Bad

Cuz I got word that my uncle died this morning, and while it is sad, it is also a blessing from what I have heard, but I am not really upset by it. I am more upset about not being very upset.

I have not seen him in probably 10 years, and had a chance to go see him a couple weeks ago but had other things that I had to get done so I was unable to do so.

I wish I could say I have happy memories of him as a child, but I don’t.

When I think of him, the only things that come to mind are gross smelling cigars, beer, gin and tonic and how red his face and nose was all the time, along with his house that smelled funny.

So I dunno what, if anything I should be feeling at this point, I guess  it is kinda life…

Not sure on funeral arrangements yet….

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