Archive for category Annoucements

New Theme

So what do you think? Yay or Nay on the new theme? Well I am going with Yay!

This one still needs some tweaking. I like the navigation on it much better, the old one was nice and I liked the color scheme more than anything, and i may bring over some of the features as I teach myself php, css, etc. I am gonna slowly tweak this one out for better colors and images since there is a lot of white and it makes it kind of stark and plain for my tastes. Also going to end up with a custom banner at the top, but that will take a little time to get going.

I’m thinking about something like this, but it definitely needs a lot of work and some definite color changes…

New banner test idea

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So yeah… SPAM is always interesting, and i know it can be pretty funny at times to just read it for the parts that are in there in an attempt to get it past SPAM filters. For some reason Spammers like to SPAM their sites and services in comment on blogs, I guess I never realized this.

Along with message board SPAM, I really can’t figure out how this can be a profitable way for someone to make money, then again I often wonder how email SPAM can really be that profitable as well, but then again I also constantly underestimate the gullibility and ignorance of our general population. So maybe this is a way that people are actually able to make money.

Well, either way, I have decided to re-post the portions of the attempted SPAM comments which were meant to try to circumvent SPAM filters, but the one SPAM filter they fail to account for is me, TheNed, the ultimate SPAM filter.

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Hello world!

Welcome to my blog and it’s first post. Does anyone have the Vegas odds on how long I keep this updated or how often I update it? I am putting the over under on 2 times a week for the first month, and then maybe once every other week after that. Then, after a year I probably won’t touch it except every 2 months at best, until I go nuts and do it daily for a short time and then go back into nothingness.
Personally, I am kind of shocked if you or anyone actually reads this… We’ll see though!

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Congratulations to #14

Earlier today a great bit of news was released to the world by the Baseball Writers Association of America.

James Edward Rice, #14 on the Boston Red Sox for the entirely of his 16 seasons in Major League baseball was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

This was Jim’s final year of standard eligibility, if he had not been voted in with the 76.4% vote he received, then his only option to get into the Hall of Fame would have been via the Veterans Committee or buying a ticket at the door.

Also elected this year were Ricky Henderson(94.8%), and Joe Gordan(Veteran’s Committee).

I am happy to see that one of the great Red Sox players from the past has finally been recognized the way he was meant to be for his play over the years. I also look forward to meeting and congratulating him in person while at camp in February.

I also hope to be able to get a photo of me with both Jim and Yaz.


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The Excitement NEVER ENDS!!!

Anyway, I am sure you are all aware of the drama dealing with my car last October and how the engine went kablooey, without the actual kablooey anyway.

But as of this past Friday, I am told that the new engine that I went and put a deposit on will be arriving at the dealership(New dealership versus the shitty one that fucked me over) this up coming Thursday or Friday, and they will start putting it in my car on Monday morning, and should be done by the end of the week barring any freaky problems.

How awesome is that? I will once again have my car back! My kick ass car that I really do love!!



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w00t w00t

So the new things going on with me….

I forgot to mention before that I got a new lawnmower a couple weeks ago, WITH A BAG ON IT!!!

Also, I got a new cell phone today, I am officially caught up to date with a phone that has both bluetooth, AND a camera as part of it!

And then the biggest news of all!


no, not really, but the actual big news is that the new windows I purchased about a month ago will be installed this Friday in my house!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!

Hopefully this will help keep the heating bills down this up coming winter, as well as help reduce the number of bugs that like to fly in through the terrible screens and holey windows I currently have.

yay yay yay yay

ooooo I also had the new couch and chair delivered last friday, so this will be 2 fridays in a row of new stuff at my house!!

so exciting!

Now if I could only get that flower bed area finished off and the brush cleaned up…..

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Severe Pet Peeve

Ok, now I know there are all kinds of conspiracy etc etc about 9/11 and what people think really happened, this is not a blog about that or their beliefs.

This is about all those Americans out there who are trying to prove how great of an American they are by showing off the flag of our country.

There are few things in this world that bother me, and the treatment of our nations flag is one of them, whether you want to uphold your right to free speech and protest by doing things like burning it or other forms of desecration, well I suppose that is your right, but honestly, you are one fucked up individual if you chose to do things like that. That flag is not just some random material that was thrown together, it is a symbol of our country, our fight for freedom, the blood spilled by our forefathers who made it possible for us to exist in this country the way we do today.

You may think that desecrating this symbol is a protest about our government in this day and age, but it really is not anything of the sort, that flag is not a symbol of what our leaders are doing in the present day, that flag is a symbol of what our forefathers were able to accomplish for us, and what those soldiers a long time ago volunteered for and paid for with their own blood.

it is not a symbol of WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq I, Iraq II or any other confrontation that our country has been in within the last century, it is a symbol of our forefathers from the revolutionary war, and a symbol of the way our country sticks together when it has to.

There are specific rules on when and how a flag should be displayed and honored at all times, as well as how it should be folded, stored, as well as the proper upkeep of our flag.

If you have any questions about anything that involves our flag, feel free to ask me and I will be happy to explain the proper way that it can and should be displayed, how it needs to be folded, stored, and if one becomes torn, tattered, or dirty, the proper way to retire a flag, or the proper people to give it to in order to allow it to be properly retired with the respect it deserves.

for reference:

These people are NOT being patriotic with their use of the flag, no matter how good their intentions are, their actions undermine their intent and their pseudo-patriotism.

These are clear examples of improper methods of display of a flag, and a disgusting desecration of our flag to suit their political agenda.

A link for the US code which describes proper care and display requirements for our flag.

Proper Flag Treatment

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A Week Since My Last Update

Yeah.. busy week… to summarize….

I am back in California this week, same place as last week and it will be the same place next week.. I am coming home for the weekend though since I have a bunch of things to do and want to go get my newsed car registered on Monday.

Still trying to deal with VW on the situation with my car but I bought a Saab in the mean time to get me around when I am home. I figure once I get my car back I will either go enter a demolition derby with the Saab, or sell it. Depends on my mood at the time.

So CA is not all that interesting, I am working 11-17 hour days while I am here, and working is not really working since I sit here, and watch a computer screen and try to clear up any problems that happen.

Their system keeps locking up because of the way our programmers programmed the system, they fucked up so I need to sit and keep this thing on life support while they write new code to try to compensate for the problem.

Fuck, but on the upside, I am earning a ton of FF miles, Holiday Inn Priority points, I am not spending any of my own money on anything, and I am really cranking up the billable hours!!! I think I might almost be at my quarterly amount and I am only a couple weeks into the year!

What I am really waiting for is 11 days from now for my paycheck, that is gonna be the nice one, my 4th quarter bonus and then all the leftover from my 2nd and 3rd quarters that they held back from me last year.

I had tried to write a couple blogs earlier this week but the damn thing kept screwing up on me so I could not post em… oh well….

if you are ever in Watsonville, CA – then definitely check out Green Valley Grill and Cilantro’s Mexican restaurants. They are both really good. I had a very nice double breast of duck with a juniper, raspberry and red wine reduction with saphron rice and then at Cilantros I had some soft tacos ‘con carne asada’ and orange rice, and they were all really really good!

I am on the red eye home tonight, same as last week and same as planned for next week. That was the reason I did not make it to the show last week, I was totally drained and slept off and on Sat afternoon and was just too wiped to go out in public!

have a great weekend and hope all is well with all of you!

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Here Is How It All Went Down

I apologize if any exact details are left out but you get the idea….

Friday night, my sister and BF went out for dinner to a Thai place they go to all the time.

They are having their dinner and have been making jokes and comments about the “crazy guy” in the kitchen through the course of the night.

So they are talking about their up coming trip to Jamaica and her BF throws out a question to her.

“What if while we were down there we just ran over to Grand Cayman and got married?”

My sister responds “We can’t do that, you know my family, they would kill me if I ever did something like that”

“Ok, but you did not answer the other part of the question about us getting married”

“Well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it”

“What bridge?”

“You know, that bridge, the one really high up over a deep dark precipice that is shaky and make of planks and rope and sways a lot in the wind. That bridge”

“Oh, ok….. What the hell is he doing in there?” *Looks towards kitchen*

She turns around to look at the kitchen and says “What are you talking about?”

She turns back around to face him and sitting on her plate of noodles is a small little wrapped up box….

and well, that is all of the story that I got…

I think it was a pretty smooth way for things to go down!

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Ok, So the Series of Events…

My sister is getting a whole bunch of kitchen cabinets from my aunt because she is doing a remodel of a house down in Mattapoisett that my cousins bought together.

So I went to my mom’s house to meet up with my sister and my mom to get a truck and go get them and bring them back, in the mean time my sister and her boyfriend met me there so that I could give them back the noise canceling headphones I borrowed to see if I wanted to spend the $50 on a pair of Sony, or spend the $300 on a pair of Bose or Brookstone.

So I get there and everyone is in the kitchen, I take the headphones out of my bag and my sister puts out her hand palm down to get them from me. Since the Brookstone ones were in a case with a caribiner on them and the sony were in a bag, I had attached them together. So in being the person I am, I hung them by the string across her middle finger.

She turns to her BF and says something, “See what I mean?”

My other sister then reaches over, and moves them from the middle finger to the finger next to it, and says “So how did you like those headphones?”

I start off into an explanation about which ones I liked and did not like and I am interrupted slightly by my sister’s BF who says “It is a family trait isn’t it?”

I stop and look at them and say “What do you mean by that? Because I connected and attached together the 2 things I was going to give you?”

At this point they all shake their heads and my other sister then grabs me and my head and pulls me forward and puts my face about 2 inches from my sisters hand and says “How bout them headphones”

To which I then pause, realize that the headphones were not really what they were talking about.

My response now……


Sitting on my sisters left ring finger(the one my other sister moved the headphones to) is a quite large multi-diamond ring glistening in the poor lighting of my mother’s kitchen.

She got engaged the night before, and was attempting to be subtle to make me notice the ring, yeah, it did not work. This seems to be a trend with women lately, and I will cover that in another blog.

So now I get the back story, and realize exactly why my sister’s BF, now fiance, made the comment about it being a family trait. Both my mother and my sister did not realize that she had the ring on either when she walked in and was pointing around and asking ridiculous questions about where to put George’s(her dog) food for when he goes to my mom’s house to be dog sat while they were in Jamaica in a couple weeks.

Yeah, for some reason my family is all oblivious to subtlety like that, we get fixated on a task and block out things that don’t really matter or pertain to the task at hand, this is both a good thing and a bad thing at times I suppose, but at least we get the job done!

I heard the story about how he did it and I will share that in another blog later, it was kind of a nice and cute story.

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