The Coolest Company So Far

So I was supposed to be in Cincinnati this week, but I ended up in Beavercreek just outside of Dayton, although I saw no beavers nor any creeks so it was a tad disappointing.

However 2 highlights from this little trip.

1- I got hit on at a bar by a circus clown, she was not all dressed up, but the circus was in town, no, seriously, the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Baily Circus was in town and performing at Wright State University which was basically across the street from my hotel. It was fun and interesting but it never went past the bar. I may be freaky but I just could not go there.

2- This was the coolest company I have gotten to go visit so far with my job.  They are really small but they make a ton of money because they manufacture Night Vision Goggles. The real ones that the military actually uses. I got a tour and saw how they are manufactured, and it is pretty neat.

Then I got to test out a pair!

It is totally exactly like you see in the movies!! The green hue and everything. The room was totally dark, I mean TOTALLY dark. I could not even see my hand 1 inch in front of my face, but they worked and I could see nearly perfectly once I had them turned on. No colors except shades of green, but I could see everything right down to the contours of my tour guides face.

I SO want a pair!! they run on a single AA battery, now if I can just figure out where to scrounge up an extra $15k to pay for one set of goggles.

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