At the hotel in Houston, I was down eating breakfast in the lobby and I heard the girl at the front desk call a room and say “Hi, Mr. So and So, the police wanted to know if you had called a wrecker for your car or if you needed them to call one for you”
then she called another room and said the exact same thing, I was puzzled and figured 2 people got into an accident in the parking lot, stupid idiots, but hey sometimes shit happens, even in a parking lot.
So I finish up my breakfast and go grab my bag and head out to my car to go to the customer site.
And what should my wondering eyes behold… 2 cars in the parking lot…. on cinder blocks… no tires…. with all the lug nuts from the tires sitting on the ground right by where the tires used to be on the cars.
So yeah, i guess it was a real safe area I was staying in, and I am guessing that it what the police were asking about a wrecker for, not because of any accident in the parking lot.
I feel bad for the guys, that just kinda sucks for them, glad it was not my car though…
#1 by Unknown on 2006/06/12 - 8:43 AM
Oh my god. Note to self: Don’t ever go to Houston without a bodyguard. Glad it wasn’t your car!
#2 by Nicole on 2006/06/17 - 2:49 AM
Glad it wasn’t your car. What part of Houston was it. I was born and raised in Houston until 1999. The north is so different from the South. I don’t miss Houston at all, but I do miss Boston.